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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Where’s the Smut?

This is another question I get asked either via email or when talking with a client. Seems expectations are that, since I’m in the business of talking dirty, I should be decorating my little corner of the blogosphere with the tawdry, blasphemous and profane. So why am I not doing it? Inquiring minds want to know.

First, let’s get things straight. I am not against the tawdry–have you seen cuckold closet or wet dreams (both of which I designed)? And I certainly enjoy the blasphemous (remember my favorite Jesus joke?), mostly because it’s such a silly concept in and of itself, coming from modern-day pharisees as does. And profane can be fun, particularly when articulating obscenities during a high-octane fantasy… or even when trying to make one’s point to an idiot customer service representative in Bangladesh.

But, as you’ve just seen, I have other places where I do that. What you haven’t heard (unless you’re a client) is that I do it mostly on the phone. In other words, there’s a time and a place for everything. So on most days–not always, but most days–I keep it where it belongs. And I just figure that with this blog, a little bit here and there is enough.

Lastly, the Internet is a veritable cornucopia of smut. I deal in words, not pictures and if a reader is looking for pornography of any sort, he knows, by now, that google can be his best friend in times of need.

But don’t think I can’t do the dirty deed when push comes to shove. Did I ever tell you about the guy I made suck his father-in-law’s cock while his wife and mother-in-law were enjoying a picnic outside the window? He was a very bad boy! And a very happy one.

2 Responses to “Where’s the Smut?”

  1. backroad Says:

    But when you do it…look out! Have a great 4th and I’ll talk to you soon.

  2. puzzler565 Says:

    Interesting. I like just a hint of naughtiness in your tone in the blog … and then the full force of your imagination when we speak. When I’m reading here, I’m trying to understand you better. When I am calling you, well, I have other objectives in mind!

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