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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...




Love, Angela

And for a special song from your Thanksgiving dinner: Click Here

11 Responses to “Thanksgiving”

  1. hdb Says:

    A very cute flash animation for us all. Have a Happy Thankgiving Dear Lady!!!

  2. booklover Says:

    Best Thanksgiving wishes to you, Angela, to all that you love, and to the wonderful community you have created here.

  3. LusciousLyndee Says:

    And, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear friend!!

    LOL, I sent that very card to a few people; I love it!!!


  4. PQS Says:

    Best Thanksgiving Day wishes to you too, Ms. St. Lawrence, and also to all who post here. Gobble Gobble.

  5. David C. Says:

    Miss Angela and friends of Miss Angela: Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Michelle Says:

    Hi Angela
    it made me laugh out loud. I love your sense of humor.
    Bless you.

  7. Supervert Says:

    Happy Black Friday too, Angela.

  8. Mr. Smith Says:

    Supervert brings up a point. Did you venture out to brave the ravenous crowds of Black Friday? And I do hope everyone had a nice Gobble Gobble day.

  9. Dear Madame Says:

    What a beautiful picture. I can’t tell you how much I miss the trees turning colors! Blessings on you all!

  10. The Continental Says:

    So I was looking at this turkey, with it’s legs bound up and all lubed. And suddenly, I flashed back to that night.

    Yes, it reminded me of this time. Yes, I tell you. I still look at the rope burns foundly, you Tigress you!!!!

    We had the fine Wine, and the Caviar was flowing like water from the faucet of love. Yes, you know the faucet I mean.

    But again, I digress. I hope your Thanksgiving Holiday weekend will have much rope and many bound legs dripping with the gravy of love.

    Cao Cao Bella.

  11. science nerd Says:

    After Thanksgiving dinner, I had the good fortune of spending two days in Manhattan…the thrill of having my 12 and 17 year old standing in Times Square at 11 PM on Friday night with 1000’s of laughing people on the sidewalks, having just exited a wonderful Les Miserables production was unparalleled. It was exhilarating. Happy holidays to everyone.

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