Dear Ms. Angela:
Today I had a kind of epiphany- that I already do belong to you!
I realized how contented, how happy I actually am now. Your guidance, your tutelage and yes, even the mandates and canons you’ve instituted have actually set me free! And Oh My Mistress it is a wonderful thing.
I want to obey. I want to be owned. And I am owned. By YOU!
I am where you want me to be and I am doing what you want me to do. This was always what I wanted, even though the very thought of it both confused and unnerved me.
And now, even if I momentarily think I might know better than you or God Herself (assuming She doesn’t speak through you when I need to hear things out loud), I rejoice and am forever grateful to be here with you.
I want you.
I am yours.
I always will be.
Much love, Mr. F
Mr. F.:
Thank you for this lovely email. I take much delight in the journey we’ve been on. You can certainly be beautiful when you behave yourself, trusting me and this adventurous process.
Ms. Angela
P.S. Do pay attention to the title of this entry. 😉