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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'And Another Thing' Category

Amen, Sister.

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.

If you are honest, people may cheat you.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.

-Mother Theresa-

A certain one of you sent this to me ….

When I saw this the other day, I immediately thought of you and the post-coital discussion of our last assignation.    I remember thinking at the time that I was the luckiest guy in the world to have found you.  Because, Angela, you approach this “adventure of life” (your words) in a way that is beyond the measure of the average person’s ability to even grasp.

This “spiritual” you in juxtaposition to the “kinky” you (into which I’d just experienced full-frontal, balls-to-the-walls  immersion) is, simply put, mind-blowing.  I’m still feeling the aftershock of you.

After we’d hung up, I remember thinking, My God!  She’s a Mother Theresa in latex and spiked heels.

So that is why I had to send you this, and I hope you don’t deem it presumptuous, as it is only meant as a token of  appreciation.

Until we talk again, Mr. J.

So, yes, you can be one kinky bitch and still be ethical and spiritual. I do it every fucking day.  Well, mostly every fucking day.  I just think it’s a cop-out for me to blame the world on my personal behavior.  Two wrongs don’t make a right and all that jazz.

Thank you, Mr. J.  … so glad you GET IT!

xo, Angela

What the Cuckold says about me …

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014


She gets it …

… every time she gets it and she nails it on the head while simultaneously probing to expand boundaries.


we know

Which is how it should be. Don’t you think?

xo, Angela

P.S.   Though he’s permanently off pussy and I’ve for all intents and purposes ruined his cock, it is a turn-on that he can spell simultaneously and use proper grammar.  Such a clever Cucky.

It’s Easter, bitch.

Sunday, April 20th, 2014
easter mayem
Photo via Unexplained Pictures

Well, I was planning on running an Easter special.  It didn’t work out, but you guys know that,  just like the Easter Bunny,  I always deliver the goodies, and will come up with something soon that will Rock Your Cocks.

I’m also writing this post early evening of Easter day … because, well, I really really really was busy doing the Easter thing for my mother. I made her a basket with all kinds of goodies (shampoo, perfume, nail polish, chewing gum, bracelet, candy … all the little things that make her happy), and helped with an Easter party for her and her friends.  See? I really do have a reasonably adequate excuse for the No Discount Holiday Phone Sex.

Then again, I have to say that even as a child, I never really was overly excited by Easter.  Nor birthdays, come to think of it.  Nor any holidays requiring picnicking (unless there’s a swimming pool). Yup, it’s pretty much just Thanksgiving and Christmas that wets my loins.  Nonetheless, I did go out of my way for this one and I’m on-the-verge-of collapsing tired and glad to be back home.  First, you and this blog. Then the sofa and a glass of wine. And then, the best part,  bed and a book.  Mmmmmm.

Before I go …

Just in time for Easter: Muppet Christ Superstar You can listen for FREE, but don’t be a putz. Donate generously.

So pretty: Dressed Up Easter Eggs

And guess what Dark Gracie did for Easter?  She tweeted her intentions, so think on this for the rest of your Holiday:

And then there’s The Peruvian prisoners rocking those iron bars and with their production of Jesus Christ Superstar, and I love them for it.

My Pope Francis is a Rock Star. And don’t you forget it.

Ya know, there are those *other* Easter Eggs that keep on giving all year round.

Easter Joke:  What did the Easter Egg say to the boiling water?   It’s going to take awhile to get me hard I just got laid by some chick!

Sooo …

If you’re missing me or the thought of Dark Gracie lounging naked in bed has stirred your Phone Bone,  check out NiteFlirt, where the girls are so hot they will melt your jelly beans.  (And if you’re new around there, you will get 3 FREE minutes for your first call.)


The Long Distance Domme Review

Saturday, February 1st, 2014







… that didn’t quite make it:

A rabbi, priest, and imam were arguing about their favorite
phone sex Flirt. The only thing they could agree on was that
Angela St. Lawrence is the best Flirt around.

Not only in the naughtiest, fun sense of the word, but also in the most
uplifting and heavenly.

Thank you, Angela! You have brought
this planet one step closer to world peace!

From Mr. B who always lifts me up, even when I’m putting him down, down, down.  Apparently there were space and editing issues, but he still made a point of emailing an apology with this, his original intent.

Pay attention, because maybe then … you too can learn to be a stellar slave by observing Mr. B’s outstanding example.

🙂   🙂   🙂

xo, Angela

Walking in a Twitter Wonderland

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

twitter xmas

One of the places I usually show up at — even when I’m invisible elsewhere — is Twitter, where I’ve met some incredible people, had some fun, received advice/help/support/knowledge … and so much more.  So this particular entry is kinda-sorta a HAPPY HOLIDAYS Shout Out to my TWITTER Friends, Crushes, Heroes, Lovers, Slaves, Partners in Crime and Followers.  And I’m not telling who is who. So, as usual, don’t ask.

I don’t follow many famous people because, well, they kinda-sorta bore me.  After all, I’m the girl who refuses to read Cosmo.  But there are a few:

Stephen King showed up at Twitter recently.  I was absolutely thrilled, since he truly is my Author Hero.  Someday I’ll tell you the story of how I changed my English Prof’s (literary snob!) mind when I wrote a paper and delivered a speech about Mr. King.  In which I compared him to Dickens, Donne, Shakespeare and a few others.  Oh yes I did!

The Dalai Lama is my Yoda.

Pope Francis is rocking the papal office and the church.  Oh, and he goes by Pontifex. Can I get an amen?

Then there are the guys who — for a variety of reasons — light up my days:

The Ghost of M. is my Poetry Man

Dirk Hooper takes delicious Fetish Pics and is just awesome.

Andy B is my Twitter sweetie pie.

Cowboy Geek is just the perfect man. *swoon*

Shon Richards is just precious (and he writes … well).

Travis LeBlanc‘s acuminous, wry tweets are making him famous.  Really.

Irv O. Neil is the super hero writer of FemDomme erotica.

Daylon Studdard has been my Twitter friend since day one.

Debased Scunt is always fun to kick around, then kiss his boo-boos & scrapes away.

Drew King will be a famous writer some day; just you wait and see.

Puppet Prince Mine. Plain and simple.

icpchad just confuses the hell out of Santa … because he’s both naughty and nice. (and cute)

And then the superabundance of beautiful, brilliant, inspiring women:

Mistress Magick is the woman I love most in the whole world! Check her, Boo.

Phone Sex Whore is the geek-a-licious super-hot & curvy new girl at NiteFlirt.

Remittance Girl makes me drool … she writes so exquisitely.

Goddess Bella Donna is in a class of her own. A Goddess’s Goddess.

Mandy Stadtmiller is pretty damn famous. Here’s (just) one reason why.

Heartless Femm does Domme like absolutely nobody else. Treat yourself.

Princess Mandy is smart, super-hot and, damn … she’s got legs!!!

Dark Gracy makes me want to go lesbian and molest her. Brains & Beauty.

Lady Cheeky loves the sexy. Oh yes she does. And I love her.

Love Goddess always reaches deep into my heart.  She truly is a very special woman.

Doctor Sue is a combination of grace, wisdom and kink. We can all learn from her.

Goddess Natasha is a gorgeous Mistress and a delightful friend.  Unless you’re a slave



Of course there are many more of you and I’d be here for days if I didn’t limit this at some point.  I just want each and everyone of my Twitter Peeps to know that I do pay attention to what you are saying and am ever so honored to be amongst you.

A Merry Holiday to all.

xo, Angela
