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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'And Another Thing' Category

The Penis Dialogue

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

She is …

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

She is redemption.

Whatever you give a woman,

she will make greater.

If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby.

If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home.

If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal.

If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart.

 She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

So … 

If you give her any crap,

be prepared to receive

a ton of shit.

Testosterone is Evil

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Why the Young Men Are So Ugly

Tony Hoagland

They have little tractors in their blood
and all day the tractors climb up and down
inside their arms and legs, their
collarbones and heads.

That is why they yell and scream and slam the barbells
down into their clanking slots,
making the metal ring like sledgehammers on iron,
like dungeon prisoners rattling their chains.

That is why they shriek their tires at the stopsign,
why they turn the base up on the stereo
until it shakes the traffic light, until it
dryhumps the eardrum of the crossing guard.

Testosterone is a drug,
and they say No, No, No until
they are overwhelmed and punch
their buddy in the face for joy,

or make a joke about gravy and bottomless holes
to a middle-aged waitress who is gently
setting down the plate in front of them.

If they are grotesque, if
what they say and do is often nothing more
than a kind of psychopathic fart,

it is only because of the tractors,
the tractors in their blood,
revving their engines, chewing up the turf
inside their arteries and veins
It is the testosterone tractor

constantly climbing the mudhill of the world
and dragging the young man behind it
by a chain around his leg.
In the stink and the noise, in the clouds
of filthy exhaust

is where they live. It is the tractors
that make them
what they are. While they make being a man
look like a disease.


Thus the need for Female Domination.  Because, really,  do young men ever really grow up?  Hmmm.

You can find  a list of Mr. Hoagland’s Poetry Books HERE and an absolutely wonderful piece by him on the nature of poetry HERE

xo, Angela

Be My Valentine

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Rock Like an Egyptian!

Friday, February 11th, 2011