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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Rhetorically Yours' Category

No More Mr. Bad Guys

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

Once upon a time, when I was a wee good little Catholic school girl, my mother brought a hooker home for Christmas.  My much older and righteously-proper sister was quite chagrined that the neighbors might see and what would they think?  I, on the other hand, was mesmerized by this most exotic woman in her red high heels, matching crimson lipstick and sparkling ruby-esque chandelier earrings.  I didn’t understand that it was considered "naughty" to have a three-inch slit in your hip-hugging skirt.  Or that this woman provided *gasp* sexual pleasures for cold hard cash in a small town where certainly none of our goodly & faithful men would pay for such things.

And guess what? This harlot, this strumpet, this Jezebel besmirching our Yuletide gathering was one of the kindest people — to this day — that I’ve ever met.  She sat me on her luxurious lap and read to me from the new books Santa had left under the tree.  While the other sister-approved  guests (and family) drank their share of spiked eggnog and pretty much got wasted — isn’t that what Christmas is for? — Miss Tanya helped my mother in the kitchen, cleaned up the continuous mess left by sloppier and sloppier drinkers, gathered the crinkled and discarded gift wrap littering the floor, and eventually was the one to tuck me in to bed because my mother was quite simply exhausted.

I adored Miss Tanya.  I still remember the scent of her perfumed bosom, when she leaned in to kiss me good night, telling me what a sweet little girl I was and brushing the bangs from my forehead.

So today is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers


This event was created to call attention to hate crimes committed against sex workers all over the globe. Originally thought of by Dr. Annie Sprinkle and started by the Sex Workers Outreach Project USA as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington. International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers has empowered workers from over cities around the world to come together and organize against discrimination and remember victims of violence. During the week of December 17th, sex worker rights organizations will be staging actions and vigils to raise awareness about violence that is commonly committed against sex workers. The assault, battery, rape and murder of sex workers must end. Existing laws prevent sex workers from reporting violence. The stigma and discrimination that is perpetuated by the prohibitionist laws has made violence against us acceptable. Please join with sex workers around the world and stand against criminalization and violence committed against prostitutes.

So why would I care?  I mean, after all, this doesn’t really effect me now, does it?  While I might be called a "sex worker," I certainly have it pretty easy, sitting here on my sweet little tush just whispering dirty little nothings into my phone … at more than arm’s length away from anyone who’d do me harm.

I care because every woman should care.  And let’s get this straight:  I am every woman.  Talking Dirty is just a part of the whole me.  I am a daughter, a sister, a friend.  The same girl who straps you to a chair for a hot nasty tease or instructs you to worship her ass and bark like a dog or presents you naked to a group of her friends IN THE JOYOUS PURSUIT OF YOUR RIGHT TO ENJOY A KINKY FANTASY could be the same girl sitting beside you at a church, could be the same girl who gave your wife a ride when her car broke down, could be the same girl who sat with you in the ICU when your father was dying, could be the same girl taking her wheelchair-bound mother shopping at the mall, could be the same girl who …

And I care because, once upon a time, my mother did bring a hooker home for Christmas dinner.  She brought home Miss Tanya.  Miss Tanya, who — when I was in high school — was found dead in a car which had been set on fire, her body charred and also severely bruised, a wrist broken. 

While there was (what I believe to be) a half-hearted attempt at an investigation, nobody was EVER arrested and charged.   The whore deserved better.  Beautiful Miss Tanya deserved so much better.  Every woman deserves better.

The bad guy got away!  No more Mr. Bad Guys, please?

xo, Angela


XXBN, Progressive Talk Radio Tonight (Dec. 17, 09)

Listen and Participate:  HERE

In honor of International Day to end Violence against Sex Workers Jill and Ren discuss progress and set backs facing Sex Workers Rights Movements all over the world. From laws to social attitudes, allies to enemies, the personal to the political, a lot of change has happened in the last 365 days, so please join us and feel free to call in regarding this topic.

He IS Porno Person!

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Porno Person by Doktor Kosmos – B&W from Mike White on Vimeo.

Dirty Latin Poetry

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Catullus 58

Caeli, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa
illa Lesbia, quam Catullus unam
plus quam se atque suos amauit omnes,
nunc in quadriuiis et angiportis
glubit magnanimi Remi nepotes.

Translation 1:

Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia
that Lesbia, whom Catullus loved
more than himself and all his own,
now at the crossroads and in the alleys
is jacking-off the decendants of brave Remus

Translation 2:

Caelius, my Lesbia, that Lesbia.
That Lesbia, who Catullus loved alone more,
than himself and all of his own,
now on streetcorners and alleyways
she milks the cocks of the goodhearted scum of Rome.

Translation 3:

My Claudia, that Claudia, that same Claudia
whom I love more than myself
or anything I have — I have
met her in corners
and plazas, sucking off
those sweet sons of Rome.

Adaptation, 2009:

Johnny! It’s our Lesbia, the Lesbia,
That Lesbia, herself, the girl Stanley loved,
More than self and all he calls his own,
Now at the Great Hall, Chicago, Union Station,
Up and down the polished marble floors,
In high-heeled, black boots,
Corn, she husks corn,
For any of them, Lincoln’s favored sons!


Catullus’ affair with Clodia (whom he refers to as "Lesbia" in all his poems) ended when she began to cheat on him with a friend of his named Marcus Caelius Rufus. Clodia was, in the words of Cicero, a shameless whore, and it seems like Catullus wrote this for revenge and to tell Caelius and the rest of Rome how easy she was.

Catullus uses the term "the decendents of brave Remus" to refer to Clodia’s patrons. The great men of Rome are usually called the sons of Romulus, Remus’ stronger and smarter brother. To compare these men to Remus is to imply what losers they are. (via (Everything 2)

About Clodia (Lesbia):

Clodia was married to Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer, her first cousin. The marriage was not a happy one. Clodia engaged in several affairs with married men and slaves, becoming at the same time a notorious gambler and drinker. Arguments with Metellus Celer were constant, often in public situations. When Metellus Celer died in strange circumstances in 59 BC, Clodia was suspected of poisoning her husband.

As a widow, Clodia became known as a merry one, taking several lovers, including possibly the poet Catullus (see below). Clodia maintained several other lovers, including Marcus Caelius Rufus, Catullus’ friend. This particular affair would cause an immense scandal. After the relationship with Caelius was over in 56 BC, Clodia publicly accused him of attempted poisoning. The accusation led to a murder charge and trial. Caelius’ defence lawyer was Cicero, who took a harsh approach against her, recorded in his speech Pro Caelio. Cicero had a personal interest in the case, as her brother Publius Clodius was Cicero’s most bitter political enemy.

Among other things, Clodia was accused of being a seducer and a drunkard in Rome and in Baiae. Cicero insinuated that he "would [attack Caelius’ accusers] still more vigorously, if I had not a quarrel with that woman’s [Clodia’s] husband – brother, I meant to say; I am always making this mistake. At present I will proceed with moderation… for I have never thought it my duty to engage in quarrels with any woman, especially with one whom all men have always considered everybody’s friend rather than any one’s enemy."[1] He declared her a disgrace to her family and nicknamed Clodia the Medea of the Palatine. (Cicero’s marriage to Terentia suffered from Terentia’s persistent suspicions that Cicero was conducting an illicit affair with Clodia.)

After the trial of Caelius, in which Caelius was found not guilty, little or possibly nothing is heard of Clodia, and the date of her death is unknown. There is some difficulty in identifying Roman women due to the lack of female personal names. Either this Clodia or a sister was still alive in 44 BC. (via Wikipedia)


The enmity of Publius Clodius Pulcher for Cicero stemmed from an incident that had occurred almost twenty years before, in 62 BC, when Clodius, who was enamored of Caesar’s wife, Pompeia, had disguised himself as a woman in an attempt to see her at Caesar’s residence, where the mysteries of Bona Dea were being celebrated.

He was discovered there and a scandal ensued. As pontifex maximus, Caesar divorce Pompeia, who had to be above even the suspicion of adultery. Clodius was charged with sacrilege but insisted that he was not in Rome at the time, an alibi that Cicero contradicted when he testified that he, himself, had spoken with the intruder that day. Intriguingly, it was thought that the testimony had been at the insistence of Terentia, Cicero’s wife, to allay her suspicious that Clodius’ sister Clodia wanted to marry her husband (Plutarch, Life of Cicero, XXVIII-XXIX; also Life of Caesar, IX-X).

As to the beautiful Clodia, she was supposed to have slept with her own brother, poisoned her husband and was a lover, as well, of Catullus, who famously wrote of her as the "Lesbia" of his poems. Replaced in her affections by Marcus Caelius Rufus, the scorned lover lashed out in a poem to him. (READ MORE)

Wikipedia on Catullus: CLICK HERE

***Adaptation 2009 by Stanley Pacion at his BLOG, where you can watch a video of his reading.


So, apparently, even way, way  back in BC (for Chrizt’s Sake) Latin men could be as ridiculous and petty as men can be today.  Particularly when an uber bitch, Femdom Fatale like Clodia/Lesbia pussy-whipped them into shape, destroyed their manhood and used them up.  I like her a lot.

What Catullus didn’t get is that while Claudia might have been jerking off guys in the back alleys of Rome, it went more or less like this …

FemDom Handjob

He’s a Motherfuckin’ Gay Fish

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009


World AIDS Day: Yes We Can

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Get the World Aids Day animation embed code here


Statistics concerning HIV/AIDS:

• There are over a million estimated people in the USA living with HIV/AIDS (hhs.gov)
• 21% of people that are infected don’t know it (aids.gov)
• There are around 56,000 new cases of HIV/AIDS reported yearly (cdc.gov)
• In 2007, men accounted for 74% of new cases, African Americans accounted for 51% of new cases, and most new cases fell within the age range of 20-49 (cdc.gov)

Project (RED)

Founded by Bono to aid in the fight against AIDS in Africa, Project (RED) has raised over $140 million dollars globally and  helped over 80,000 people suffering from AIDS in Africa receive care and treatment. 

For purchases made on December 1st:

• Starbucks will donate 5 cents for every handcrafter beverage purchased.
• Gap will contribute 1% of their generated revenues from their stores in the US and Canada.
• Dell will double their contributions to (PRODUCT)RED™ from of Nov. 26-Dec. 2.

You can also show your support for World AIDS Day by:

• Wearing a red ribbon, or the color red.
• Purchasing Project (RED) products.
• Making a donation to Project (RED) or other AIDS charities
• Getting TESTED!


Project (RED) Blog: CLICK HERE


(RED) on Twitter: CLICK HERE

(PRODUCT) RED Special Edition iPod: CLICK HERE

(COFFEE) RED Whole Bean Coffee:  CLICK HERE

(RED) products via Google: CLICK HERE


xo, Angela

Info/Stats via EXAMINER Dot Com