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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Rhetorically Yours' Category

Thanksgiving Blessings 2009

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

May your day be happy, your belly be full and your friends many.

xo, Angela

So Ya Wanna Be a PhoneSex Superstar

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

The Land of MILF and MOnEy

Believe it or not, many women aspire to try the Phone Sex thing. I know because I get tons of email asking for guidance, suggestions and/or linkage. It is impossible to answer everybody. I try when I can, but usually I’m just too busy doing way too much to get to them all. So I thought I’d take some time to address some of these issues today.

PLEASE NOTE: These are only my opinions, but they are based on my personal experience and ethics. Hopefully my callers, my readers, fellow PSOs and aspiring PSOs will find it at least interesting, perhaps enlightening and maybe even instructive.

Yes, it’s easy to get going. Just pop sex jobs or phone sex jobs or phone sex into your search engine and you are on your way. Many phone sex sites have an application page readily handy. I am not going to go through all of the possibilities that are available to the beginner. Doxy, of the Phone Slut Diary, provides excellent information for both callers and providers regarding your choices and what to expect.

Like Doxy, I am an independent, working for myself. This is my business which, unlike Doxy, I operate through the NiteFlirt platform. Yes, my business is very successful and I’m able to support myself quite comfortably. That said, if you are new to the industry, I highly recommend working for a service before making the leap to business owner.

Why? Because good phone sex is about more than moaning and groaning and bragging about how hot you are. If you work for a company–maybe even two or three–before spreading your entrepreneurial wings, you will get the experience you need to create a phone sex business that can stand up to the competition. And believe me, there is a lot of competition.

Plus there are many different types of phone sex. Working for a service, particularly one which takes any request (shemale, MILF, incest, mistress, cross-dressing, submissive, bestiality, hermaphrodite, golden showers, etc.), is the best way to hone your craft. You will get invaluable lessons in human relations and sexuality, and even marketing and customer service. You will also learn what phone sex niche best suits your personality and ability.

And working for a number of services will give you exposure to various business paradigms. Then when you start shifting from worker bee to queen bee, you will have an very good idea as to how you want to run your business.

In the meantime, while you are in the learning stages and even when you’re "in the biz," the internet can be your best friend. The information you can garner is invaluable, bountiful and free. Spend your time wisely by checking out the competition, noting what they charge, what they offer, and what makes them stand out. Research fetish terms and types of kink. Read the plethora of free erotic stories that are available everywhere and anywhere.

And remember that even when you are working for a company, you are still in the driver’s seat. It is up to you to provide something of value and build up your own customer base. As I kinda-sorta said earlier, everybody and their mother wants to be a Phone Sex Superstar these days. Which means the caller has innumerable choices. How can you provide an experience which makes him remember you and want to call again?

Personally, I think it’s imperative to value and respect the caller and his particular brand of kink. It’s all about you and your professional integrity. Never judge a man by his fantasy. While you might not be able to fulfill a certain request due to TOS (terms of service) issues, lack of knowledge, understanding and/or ability, that doesn’t mean that the caller is a degenerate.

Even when you are new and just testing the waters (very scary…I still remember every moment of the first call I ever took), your ability to treat the caller like a valued customer will go a long way in making up for lack of experience. It’s a very easy concept: treat the caller the way you like to be treated when you are doing business with someone. And quite frankly, if you can’t or refuse to do that, he will most likely move on to find someone who can. Repeat business is what will build your client base.

I often get age play or bestiality requests. The TOS under which I operate do not permit this type of call. I don’t agree with that policy, but I have to follow it. But I don’t automatically assume the caller is a perverted monster. From experience, I know that 99 percent of these guys are harmless and living very normal–and sometimes even stellar–everyday lives. And so I tell them that–with much regret on my part and no disrespect to them–I cannot fulfill their particular request. Most of the time, if you are nice, the caller will be nice.

A while back, a regular caller told me that the reason he kept calling back was that he was tired of rude "FemDoms" who didn’t even listen to what he wanted, just going off on their own tangents. Which highlights two things worth mentioning here.

1. Specializing in FemDom, BDSM or even Erotic Humiliation does not justify a lack of manners on the part of the provider. Rudeness is not domination, it is crudeness. And actually reflects a lack of superiority, sophistication and talent.

2. Listening well is the ultimate secret weapon if you want to be a successful PSO. There is a Chinese proverb which goes like this: To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true conversation. Don’t underestimate the importance of listening. Because if you do, there is no possible way to attain success. It’s the caller’s fantasy, not yours. If you insist on it being about you, you will end up with a phone that never rings.

A topic hotly debated in PSO forums and communities is the matter of pricing. Of course, if you are working for a service, they set the price. The company I got started with charged $75/half hour, with that being the minimum. Our customer base was comprised of smart and successful men. I got spoiled by the best, and now market to attract those callers. I like them a lot. And they seem to like me.

But when I first went out on my own, I couldn’t remain competitive in my environment at the price I thought I was worth. I had to work my way up, so to speak. The buyer wants to know you’re "worth it." And can you blame him? Before you set your price, it is a good idea to look at other providers offering similar services. And if you have no history of doing business to offer up as proof of your expertise, then set your prices a bit lower than those girls. Give the caller a reason to try out the new girl on the block. As you gain professional recognition and a following, you can then begin to raise your prices.

Lastly, a word about wish lists and tips. While most girls–many of my good friends, in fact–these days have wish lists, I opt not to. Why? Because, quite honestly, I want to be valued and paid well for what I do. In other words, SHOW ME THE MONEY. My job is to get the caller off and do it with (hopefully) a whole bunch of panache. Pay me well for my talent, thank you very much. And I don’t want the caller to feel obligated or bamboozled by a not-so-subtle hint to buy me something.

Tips are okay, if they come in on their own. Again, I don’t expect tips (AKA tributes), nor do I ask for them. Often guys surprise me, which just tickles me pink. This is all rather new, this "gimme, gimme, gimme" attitude on the part of phone sex providers. Unfortunately, I think many girls get into the industry with no thought about providing a quality and professional service. Instead their focus is how much they can get while basically doing nothing to earn or deserve it. Anyway, it’s your call. Just think seriously about the ramifications to you and your business.

So, did you learn something? Or did I piss you off?

With Much Affection, Angela


Some of my original and steadfast readers will remember the above from 11/19/07.  I’m repeating it here because it is timely and I still get zillions of emails/requests for advice on becoming a Phone Sex Operator.  Even my callers — maybe it’s the economy? — are asking how they or their girlfriends should go about getting into the biz. 

Creative Puns

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

Picture Credit:  Toothpaste for Dinner

1. The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian .

3. She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still.

4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder — and got a little behind in his work.

6. No matter how much you push the envelope it’ll still be stationery.

7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

9. Two silk worms had a race.  They ended up in a tie.

10. Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana..

11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall — the police are looking into it.

12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway.   One hat said to the other, "You stay here, I’ll go on a head."

14. I wondered why the cricket ball kept getting bigger — then it hit me.

15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab centre said:  Keep off the Grass.

16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital.  When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, the nurse told her, "No change yet."

17. A chicken crossing the road — is poultry in motion.

18. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison — was a small medium at large.

19. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray — is now a seasoned veteran.

20. A backward poet — writes inverse.

21. In democracy, it’s your vote that counts.  In feudalism, it’s your count that votes.

22. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion..

23. Don’t join dangerous cults:  Practice safe sects!


Lest you forget ~ I have a way with words too. 

I have a way with Dirty words: 

Conjugated Naughtiness.  Punctuated Deviance.  Grammatical Impuri-tease.  Personified Debauchery.  Stylized Kink.

Just move those sticky fingers and  CLICK Right HERE

The Elephant in the Closet

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

The Elephant in the Closet: 

Of Mixed Metaphors, Phone Sex Snafus & FemDom Interludes


Is That Your Fat Uncle in Your Panties Behind the Hangers?

Sometimes things change.  That’s the way it goes, and — I don’t know about you, but — I’m not very good at change.  When my favorite seafood restaurant lost its lease and moved to another location, I could hardly stand it and even stopped frequenting that same restaurant until I got to jonesing for their most awesome crab legs and one-of-a-kind steak salads.  Ah, the bend and the sway of real life with  all it’s complex detours.

As you may or may not know, I take my Phone Sex calls through the NiteFlirt platform.  When I decided to get back into the Business of Talking Dirty, I considered a variety of options.  Working for a Phone Sex Company was one possibility.  And I did give it a shot.  Briefly.  Very briefly.  Let’s just say that things weren’t quite what they seemed and I left rather abruptly, sacrificing the $1,000 plus they owed me.  I knew I’d never get the cash, but at that point I felt I had to put my callers’ well-being before my personal monetary considerations.  It was the right move.  I learned a lot and I’ve never regretted it.

I also made a very good friend while working for that company who urged me to go back to my original plan of starting my own one-woman service.   She was right.  From the beginning, my main concern was that — which ever way I did business — my callers had a superior and safe experience.  It’s the Internet, after all; trust and security are big deals.  I wanted to take care of my callers in the way I would want to be taken care of as a “customer.”

I seriously thought about going with my own merchant account, which would have given me oodles of control over the “customer experience,”  except I absolutely detest talking money with PhoneSex Callers.  Kinda-sorta ruins the mood, dontcha think?  I looked at Pay Per Call services (too impersonal and a bit cumbersome for my taste).  I checked out more than a few Phone Sex Platforms and Phone Sex Billing Services — they all had their positives and negatives.  In a word, I was doing my homework.   And don’t get me wrong — there are a lot of legit, very good options out there.  I just was looking for, I dunno, something with that certain je ne sais quoi.

And I found that certain something which I could not define with NiteFlirt.   For those of you who are not familiar with the site, let me break it down.  A very good way to look at NiteFlirt is to see it as a “PHONE SEX MALL,” where Independent Phone Sex Operators lease space from which to run their Phone Sex Business.  This is good for the Phone Sex Shopper, because he can peruse and compare at his own pace and discretion.  A handy menu (Anything Goes, Phone with Cam, BDSM, Role Play, Fetish, etc.) makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.

There’s some other pretty awesome benefits:

  • You are anonymous!  You can create a “member name” and be completely confident that NiteFlirt will keep your personal info safe and secure.
  • There’s a Satisfaction Guarantee which is practically unheard of in the Phone Sex Industry.
  • New callers receive Three Free Minutes for their first call through the system.
  • NiteFlirt enforces a rigid Anti-Spam Policy — Can I hear an AMEN!
  • You have several payment options including ATM Cards, Debit Cards or Check Cards

Additionally, the NIteFlirt system is very flexible — responsive to individual preferences.  Callers are not required to commit to a minimum call time or to purchasing bulk minutes which must be used right then and there.  Instead, you “pay as you go.”  You might opt to keep the call brief (with deposited monies rolling over for later calls) or might want to even add as you go and continue the call.

You can call every day or once a year.  You can call one girl exclusively or just slut yourself out all over the site.  You can even create different accounts if you want to keep your “submissive self” separate from you “dominant self.”  It’s totally about  you and what you prefer. Not a bad deal, eh?

So now you know why I do business with YOU through the NiteFlirt platform.  Aren’t you a lucky boy?  (Let me hear it:  Yes, Mistress, I am a lucky boy.  I am a very lucky boy.)

But recently NiteFlirt has undergone some changes and — up until now — I’ve chosen NOT to address those changes here at this blog.  I really didn’t want to.  I’d hoped I wouldn’t have to — that everything would be all hunky-dory by now.  But it isn’t.  It isn’t … but it IS getting there.  The NiteFlirt platform is basically undergoing a total overhaul and it’s taking more time than expected.  And it can be trying.

So we need to talk about it.  I need to talk to YOU about it.

First, let me assure you that all the perks and goodies I listed above are still strong and still in place.  A quality “Customer Experience” is still the numero uno focus of NiteFlirt.  And, as you know, it is always and forever my goal.  But, quite frankly, we (callers and PSOs alike) are experiencing a few technical difficulties.

Beginning from almost-scratch to re-build what is a very sophisticated system is proving taxing for the techs; they’ve run into a multitude of glitches and issues they didn’t foresee.  But they are working day and night to get it right.   Behind the scenes, NiteFlirt is in continuous dialogue with Flirts, noses to the grindstone, indefatigable in their quest to identify, isolate and repair mechanical irregularities.  Pretty impressive, actually.


Which means that, as a customer, most of the technical stuff shouldn’t affect you too much.  It might be irksome — for example, if the connection is suddenly lost — but certainly not earth-shattering.  And anything you might run into is easily-remedied by either calling right back (in most cases that will do it) or filling out a Customer Support Form which you can find by clicking the “help” tab at the top of your account page.  The two callers of mine who actually filled out the Support Form were very impressed and pleased with how their situation was handled.

International Access is currently unavailable, and it might be a while until this issue is resolved.  But don’t let that stop you.  Download VoIP software, like Skype (an eBay company) in the meantime.  Last night, an Australian caller using Skype (Hi, Mr. G!) was able to forward the call from Skype to his regular phone and we had an absolutely smashing time.  And a kinky one, for that matter.  And don’t you even dare ask, because that’s between me and Mr. G.!

A few other tips:

  • If you call a girl you really like, save her to your favorites so you can quickly find her the next time.
  • Send thank you Emails so SHE can keep track of YOU.
  • Write down the extension/s of your favorite PSO/s.  Just in case.
  • If you can, place your call from the website.  Calling over the phone is still a little glitchy and you might not be able to find a fav gal.
  • If you need an issue addressed STAT, call the number on your credit card statement and leave a message.  Someone will be in touch!

Lastly, don’t you forget for a moment that NiteFlirt is THE premium Phone Sex Site on the web.  They’ve got your back!  They always have and always will go the extra mile for customers.  So keep the faith and stick with us through this little bit of turbulence.  It’s really all about the future.  It’s about making NiteFlirt an even better place for you to visit and the customer experience uber superior.  I have the inside scoop, my lovelies, and there are many fabulous features to be added down the road.

Just you wait and see.  And be prepared to be amazed.

xo, Angela

(And if you’re a sniveling little runt of a slave boy, count your blessings, get on your fucking knees and crawl to the phone.  NOW.)

A Few Things …

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

A Few Things You Wanted to Know About Phone Sex

~ But Were Afraid to Ask

It just might be that — rather than being afraid to ask — you just don’t give a damn.  … one way or the other.  But this lass does care.   It’s what I DO.  So if you don’t mind, we’re going to go over some basics today.  If you actually do find this topic of interest, then I urge you to read (or re-read, as the case should may be) my post, Phone Sex Tips for Men.

⇒No Two Phone Sex Calls Are Alike

Yes, you heard that right:  Phone Sex calls are kinda-sorta like snowflakes.  And we may already be starting off on the wrong foot, because I’m going to  rephrase myself:  No Two Phone Sex Calls SHOULD BE alike.  If they are, um, buddy, then something is just not kosher.  Key turn-ons flirted with? Sure.  Certain hot buttons tickled?  Of course.  You’re the "boy" after all and need your milk-and cookie-fix like clockwork. 

Try thinking of phone sex as melody/medley  of musical chairs/speed dating.  Really, I mean it.  Picture it.  How could any encounter, even if you occasionally end up sitting across from the same girl, repeat itself?  So expect the unexpected, even require the unexpected.

But here’s the catch:  You must not only require the unexpected of that girl whispering sweet nothings into your ear, you must require the unexpected of the moment you are in, and you must, more importantly, require it of yourself.  In other words, don’t be the same old boring you.  You get to do that every day. 

Dare to be audacious, open yourself up to adventure.  And don’t forget that part of opening up is giving a little or even a lot.  Take a leap of faith and  tell her that "extra-dirty" detail of your secret fantasy.  You know — the one you’ve never, ever told anybody, not even other PSOs.  Ask her about something you’ve been tip-toeing around the edges of.  ie. exactly what is cuckolding?  Or talk about a particular XXX website or blog that has caught your attention so that your phone cohort will get the "hint" and know where to take you.  Describe a scene that’s been playing over and over again in your head.  If she is wise, she’ll get it and your off and running!

⇒Good Phone Sex is NOT About Fucking

And I mean that in the nicest way.  No, really, I do!  Stop smirking.  Now this doesn’t mean some serious copulation  won’t occur sometime during your Phone Sex encounter.  Of course not.  It just means that when and if it happens (because, believe you me, there are a lot of other ways to orgasm besides intercourse and even masturbation — particularly during a fetish-y, kinky type of call) it will usually be absolutely-tutely mind-blowing, due to the mind-fucking and word games played beforehand.  In other words, good Phone Sex is all about the adjectives (i.e. sleek, wet, rock-hard, swollen, spasming) and the adverbs (answering the incredibly important questions of how, when, where and why).

Let’s get real here.  Getting laid is the stuff of everyday life.  You really don’t need a PSO for that.  You have your significant others and/or friends with whom you share benefits, and/or one-night stands and/or massage parlors with happy endings.  And never let it be said that I don’t encourage the real sex of every day life.  It’s healthy and it’s necessary, both physiologically and psychologically. 

I would never underestimate the importance of the human touch … the textures, the scents, the taste, the emotional bonding of sex with a real, live person.  But we’re not talking about that, are we?  We’re talking about Hot Sex Chat.  We’re talking about Erotic Fantasy Conversation.

Yes you could call me and be quick about it and mount me and I could moan and groan and we could say goodbye.  Wam.  Bam. Thank you, Ma’am.  But didn’t you just do that with your wife last night?  Why waste your hard-earned cash on a Phone Sex Call doing the same thing with me?  How can we make it worth your time and money to call me, while also making it !hot damn! stupendous, tremendous, and even maybe down-right earth-shattering?  Back to those adjectives and adverbs. 

What if … long before any fucking:

  • Your secretary discovers your secret fetish for black stockings.
  • Megan, a student in your Ethics class, walks in on you masturbating.
  • You snoop around your wife’s computer only to discover she’s searching for lesbian porn.
  • The girl giving you a lap dance invites you home with her.
  • Big-breasted Marcie keeps coming on to you — only she’s your brother’s girlfriend.
  • The woman next to you on the flight whispers something really dirty in your ear.
  • You make a pass at your mother’s best friend.
  • The children’s nanny keeps leaving her panties around where you can find them.
  • You’re spying on your (sunbathing nude) neighbor when she catches you.

Can you imagine?  Can you see how many roads you might travel before you get to the down-and-dirty of it?  The possibilities are endless and the adventures limitless.  And there’s a lot of words between here and there.  But, my-O-my, how sweet it is when you get there.  Can you even fathom just how intense THAT orgasm would be?  I would argue it’s a zillion times better.   All because of those adjectives and adverbs.

⇒One Phone Sex Girl is NOT the Same as Another

Absolutely, positively TRUE!  And whether you realize it or not, you pretty much believe this yourself.  Otherwise you’d be doing the eeny meeney miney moe method of Phone Sex Search rather than wasting a whole lot of your (I’m assuming) valuable time perusing PhoneSex Topsites, skimming pages upon pages of NiteFlirt listings and/or scouring the web via your very own favorite search terms (stiletto phonesex, Cougar Sex, Cock Control, erotic humiliation, hot tease phone sex, ruined orgasm, cross-dressing, MILF, Princess phonesex, Taboo, Kinky phone, Mature, shemale, barely legal … fill in the blank). 

The point being that we are as different and unique as our callers.  There’s bad ones, to good ones, to great ones, to superior ones — and everything in between.  Again, we’re just like you and every other human being on this planet.  You did know we live on the same planet as you, didn’t you?

What was that?  Do you have a question?  And just where would you put yourself in that concatenation, Miss Angela?  I’m so glad you asked beloved and cherished reader/caller.  Because the truth of the matter is I don’t know.  My inability to place myself into the Phone Sex Continuum speaks not to a lack of self-knowledge or inability to gauge my "strengths" and "weaknesses."  It speaks to the fact of what we are discussing:  Everybody is uniquely kinky in their own very special way and recreates and/or imagines that kinkiness de novo when they endeavor to share it with someone new.

It’s about chemistry, it’s about timing, it’s about the aligning of the stars.  It’s about what you’re used to, what you expect, what you crave.  It’s about what the caller brings to the  PhoneSex table and where the Phone Sex Operator pulls up her chair.  It’s about being a smart and savvy Phone Sex Shopper.  It’s about understanding your own sexual fetishes and kinks and seeking out the girl who "gets you" and will make it happen for you in a most fantabulous way.  It’s about reading between the lines — appreciating the clever nuances, cunning innuendo and inspired double entendres of a Phone Sex Diva’s web pages.  It’s about shopping smart with a critical cock eye and choosing wisely. 

It’s about I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

xo,  Angela

Goo goo ga joob.