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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Rhetorically Yours' Category

Acumen in a “Culture of Cruelty”

Saturday, September 5th, 2009


Sexy Rejection

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Mark Halliday

In the last year of my marriage,
among a hundred other symptoms I wrote a poem called
"The Woman across the Shaft"—she was someone
I never met—she had long bare legs
on a summer night when she answered the phone
in her kitchen and lifted her legs to the table
while she talked and laughed and I tried to listen
from my window across an airshaft between buildings
and watched her legs. I doubt she was beautiful
but her legs were young and long
and she laughed on the phone

while I sat in my dark of dissolving faith

and I tried to capture or contain the unknown woman
in a poem: the real and the ideal,
the mess of frayed bonds versus untouched possibility,
so forth. Embarrassed now
I imagine a female editor
who received "The Woman across the Shaft"
as a submission to her magazine—the distaste she felt—
perhaps disgust she felt—I imagine her
grimacing slightly as she considers writing "Pathetic"
on the rejection slip but instead lets the slip stay blank
and then returns to another envelope
from a writer she has learned to trust,
crossing her long legs on her smart literary desk.



Poets are sexy.  Intelligent, thoughtful men are sexy.  Introspective men are sexy.  Mark Halliday is sexy.

Mark Halliday is at Wikipedia.  Or …you might want to LISTEN IN.  Or … even BUY his book.  

What Did Her In …

Monday, August 31st, 2009

… and I do believe she was smiling.  *wink*


** Stroke Your Cock With These Hot Ladies **

Phone Sex Sweetie loves it doggie style!

Taboo Teen Playtime with Naughty Karen.

Innocent Delight will be your big-tittied sexpot.

Precious Buffy is waiting to hear your dirty secrets.

They Who Should Be Cuckolded

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

When I flippantly posted He Who Should Be Cuckolded recently, I thought I was done with it.  But then these certain entities just kept bugging me, getting in my way and/or causing me a bit of personal disharmony of sorts … and now I’m at it again.  What can I say?  You just can’t keep a good woman down.

But just how do you cuckold a consortium, a system, a cartel, a passel?  Fuck if I know.  When did I ever claim to be a non-linear dynamics theorist?  I’m just your every day, garden variety FemDom Phone Goddess.   I deal in kinky phone fantasies and impossible dreams.  That being noted, I’m certainly not going to let a little thing like inexecutability stop me.   In fact, in MY WORLD — where fourth walls are breakable and all boys are doable —  absolutely nothing is out of bounds or unattainable.   So, yeah, I’m going to cuckold these heartless –heartless to the core — scoundrels.

I’m going to cuckold these "theys" because they haven’t earned my fidelity.  Because, in fact, they’ve disrespected me (and most likely you … so be careful of who you let fuck you) and are generally morally corrupt and ethically underhanded.  Shame.  Shame.  Shame on them!

Let me state this clearly:  All spammers should be cuckolded.  No exceptions, no excuses.  Too lazy and too stupid to get a real job or start a legit business, they sit in front of their PCs pushing automated buttons.  I guess this is their idea of industrious ingenuity,  this is their definition of a meaningful vocation.  The spam they continually spit into cyberspace isn’t even directed.  I don’t have a Bank of America Account, asshole.  So why would I want to update my info?   I don’t have a penis, so why would I want to enlarge it?  Their pathetic attempts to get my attention are analogous to getting a stiffy and humping my thigh, because they haven’t a clue as to how to please a woman.  Cuckold the motherfuckers?  You bet! 

And Comcast, how about if I bundle your corporate, punk ass?   Upsell, upsell, upsell.  Your marketing tactics (snail mail, email, door-to-door, telemarketing — and whatever else the sterile boys in plastics suits come up with) are not aggressive genius; they are belligerent and abusive to the buying public.  And sneaking a movie channel in with a Sports Tier package?  Criminal.  You have no shame and should not only be cuckolded but forced into permanent chastity.  It’s time for you to take the ass-fucking, instead of bending over your customers.

In case you didn’t know, Wal-Mart is EVIL.  Trey Parker and Matt Stone know it.  Kenneth J. Harvey blogs about it.  Jim Wier basically told Wal-Mart to fuck off.   And you really should see the Robert Greenwood Film, WALMART: The High Cost of Low Price.  I’ve never stepped into a Wal-Mart store and never will.  I’d rather pay more, than save a little or even a lot — than spend my consumer dollars with a company who uses foreign sweatshop labor, forces employees into unpaid overtime, and provides such shoddy health care that its employees are forced to rely on medicaid supplements.  Cuckold and sterilize the bastards.  Otherwise they’ll continue to fuck like bunnies, continuing their rampant and destructive propagation.

Note to The Faithful Word Baptist Church:  Your pastor is a wackjob.  His words are poison, his agenda — that of a narcissistic, self-serving zealot. GET RID OF HIM.   True persons of God (Think:  Mother Theresa, Gandhi,  Buddha.  Think:  JESUS) do not promote hatred.  When the title of any preacher’s sermons starts with Why I Hate … you got trouble.  Big trouble.  And until you get smart and expel this jerk, send him packing, bounce his venom-spewing ass … well, I’m just going have to cuckold you as a matter or principle.   Because right now?  You’re bending over and don’t even know it.  You’re the congregation.  You’re the boss.  Fire that lowlife and get on with the business of really serving God.

And that will be enough for now.  I’m depleted, my rant is done.  Cuckolding pluralities, it turns out, takes time, effort and a whole lot of energy.  I’m going to take my tongue out of my cheek now and settle in to watch The Day the Earth Stood Still.  Maybe I’ll order in a Pizza.  No fluffers, no cuckolds, no lovers, no sex of any kind.  Just dinner and a movie.  Who da thunk it?  That a Cuckold Phone Sex Goddess would be doing that on a Sunday night?

xo, Angela

The Cuckold Movie:  The Cuckold

A Cuckold Story by me:  Benchwarmer

Another Cuckold Story by me:  Pussy Whipped Cuckold

Cuckold Phone Sex:  WITH A  REAL HOUSEWIFE

Cuckold Phone Sex:  FANTASY & ROLE PLAY with ME!

Bottoms Up

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

via Stupid Sticks

I guess no matter how you say it — classy or crude — there are soooo many men who crave a good ass fucking.  You can bet that this conversation (which I wrote, so read it) takes place in many homes on a fairly regular basis. 

~~~ Strap On & Anal Phone Sex ~~~

Shemale Phone Sex and Cam with Nitrilla (a favorite with my callers)

Listen to the Italian Princess‘s Strap On Audio Recording

Big Muscle Mike will fuck you rough and fill you up

Get your butt plug out for Adventurous Lillith

Mistress Eva Lordes will train your ass with her Strap On


And when you’ve gotten up your nerve (because a select demographic of you want to … and I know you do) to call one of these Phone Sex Super Stars and Phone Sex Super Studs?  Do make sure to call me with all the dirty details. 

xo, Angela

ps.  I won’t be working tomorrow, as I’m off for a day of gambling.  Keep your fingers and toes crossed.  If I win big, I’ll run one heck of a special.