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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Rhetorically Yours' Category

Happy Gobble Gobble Day

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

Take the Thanksgiving Turkey Trivia Quiz  RIGHT HERE 


See you on the other side of  Turkey Day

xo, Angela

Chicken Soup for the PSO’s Soul

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Okay, so I’m technically "not sick" any longer.  (remember?)  I was a very good girl and actually followed the doc’s recommendations, which — in all honesty — is not normally something I do well.  Follow directions, that is.  Sick of being sick, I listened well and took my meds as prescribed, drank plenty of fluids, got plenty of rest.  I’m no longer coughing incessantly or sitting over my steam inhaler or blowing through a box of tissues like there’s no tomorrow. 

So I’m back on the phones — have been since Friday afternoon — and taking calls again. 

Yes — I know and I’m so sorry — I didn’t tell you.  But I needed to take it kinda-sorta slow and see how it went.  Because this bug was one nasty mothah fuckah and wreaked absolute devastation on my vocal cords.  So while I don’t have the Lauren Bacall thing happening anymore, I now have a weird Minnie Mouse thing going on.  What I’m saying is:  Potential Phone Sex callers be forewarned — call at your own risk.  Or if you happen to have a fetish for Jessica Rabbit-esque encounters.

So it’s been a simply slam-bang lovely weekend, with a lot of my regulars showing up for dirty stuff and being their always fabulous selves.  Just as I knew they would be. With kind words during the call, after the call (via email and/or reviews) and even on a second or third call, they were considerate, supportive and just damn happy to have me back. 

From the potagers: 

  • Angela,  you are the best on NiteFlirt and any where else. In fact you are the most talented and creative person I know. Your compassion for the average guy is not seen very much anymore. This girl CAN save the world.  (review)
  • You are awesome … and you left 3 bucks in my account.  (follow up email)
  • Ms. St. Lawrence has reclaimed her throne. Pass her the crooked tiara and royal Jimmy Choos. Then get out of the way. Because when Angela holds court, cherubs sing, armies march, planets realign, and grown men weep. Not to mention the hot and nasty sex. Hallelujah!   (review)
  • A magnificent experience with a magical lady.  (review)
  • I waited for you to get better; I didn’t even think of calling somebody else.  (pillow talk)
  • Yet seemed it winter still, and you away." I’m so glad this lovely woman is back and up to her old … tricks.  (review)
  • I do consider you a friend and you do make me happy.  Now go and take care of yourself.  (follow up email)
  • As always, Angela has proven what an amazing talent she has. (review)
  • You’re the only girl I talk to who charges over 2.00/minute, and — if you are available — I always call you, because you are the best.  (pillow talk)
  • Even with what you call your "Minnie Mouse" voice, that was the hottest call I’ve ever had.  (follow up email)
  • There are hot girls, and there are really hot women, and then, there is Angela. You’ll want her as your friend, you’ll want her as your lover, but most of all, you’ll just want her!  (review)

And there’s so much more — like those of you who called just to shoot the breeze and talk about my newest passion, politics (you know who you are — thanks so much).  And the new guys who found me (I was kinda-sorta hiding from you until "all better") and were oh-so-polite and receptive to my Minnie voice.   And the certain someone who stayed on the phone for four hours, doing most of the talking so I could "rest my voice." 

Then there was Mr. X with the super-sexy voice who called seconds after I’d turned on the kink-O-phone Friday, having talked with me for the first time ever right before I got sick and waited so patiently (not being a zen regular; not knowing why I’d abruptly disappeared) to talk again. 

And to those of you who tipped me — something I never ask for or expect:  you made my day! 

The private emails I kept getting while I was "down," meant the world to me too.  Links to interesting sites, quickie snuggles and good nights, thoughts and wishes.  A special thanks to another certain someone who helped me find specific quotes for a project in which I’ve been immersed during my downtime.

And everybody who kept showing up here, because — gawd dammit — I might have lost my voice, but I was able to blog now and again.

And of course there were the Phone Sex Fantasies I did over the weekend.  As much as I love to create the kink, sometimes I just don’t get it.  i.e. anorexia or cat-fighting.  But this weekend, the requests were, without fail, right up my alley — the stuff into which I could sink my carnivorous little teeth:  Forced Bi, Sensual Domination, Cock Control, Tease and Denial, Castration, Erotic Humiliation, BDSM.  I even got to do a Succubus Fantasy and a Transsexual Fantasy.   Although no cuckolds showed up (hey, a girl can only ask for so much), I was in FemDom Phone Sex Heaven. 

On the downer side — not too much, but worth a mention — some guy showed up to listen to my recorded fantasy, Strap On Play, for THE THIRD TIME and decided this time he would rate me, which was four out of five stars.  Which I just don’t get.  If you beat off to that audio three times, then I’m thinking you must pretty much like it.  In fact, you like it a whole bunch.   On top of that, I’d followed up his first two "listen-ins" with a personal "thank you" along with five free minutes for a live call.  What was he thinking?  I’m so glad I have the option to block.  Which means that the passive-aggressive little weenie head WILL NOT get the opportunity to listen to that audio ever again.   So there!

It’s people like him who give Humiliation Phone Sex a good name.

Oh well.

xo, Angela

Those Dirty Mormans

Monday, November 17th, 2008

click here to order your calendar

Why I Love Sweat Shop Sissy

Saturday, November 15th, 2008

Well, there are a lot of reasons.  But what got me started was when I read the following list the first time I found Sweat Shop Sissy’s blog.  He’s just so "normal," ya know?  Of course, I’ve known that about cross-dressers and sissy boys forever-and-a-day.  But not everybody gets it.  It’s the MY FETISH IS OKAY AND YOURS ISN’T syndrome, which just drives me absolutely-tutely nutso.

Mr. Sissy Man composed these "99 things" about himself in response to a writing assignment, which you can read about right here.  I just cherish every single item on this list, probably because it so honestly and frankly illustrates that SSS is Everyman, and that everyman is SSS … just in different undies. 

So, without further ado, let’s have at it.  And maybe you’ll have your mind opened a bit.  What the heck, try opening your heart, while you’re at it.

  1. I was born in 1963.
  2. I am a proud Canadian.
  3. When I was 15, I watched an uncle die of cancer on Christmas morning.
  4. I’m not a big fan of Christmas.
  5. I’m a fanatic non-smoker.
  6. I was a heavy pot smoker for 10 years. (somehow that was ok)
  7. I loved hallucinogens. (past tense)
  8. In high school I was voted ‘most likely to die choking on his own vomit’.
  9. I thought I’d be dead by 30. (so did lots of other people)
  10. I still drink (micro brews), but rarely to access. (rye & ginger)
  11. I was 17 the first time I asked for a vasectomy. (The doctor refused)
  12. I got fixed right after my son (now 10yrs old) was born.
  13. My 10-year relationship with his mother ended soon after that.
  14. I LOVE being a Dad.
  15. I wish he lived with me full time.
  16. I have been a ‘scratch’ baker since 1981.
  17. I worry that my body won’t hold up to the demands of another 20yrs of baking.
  18. I’ve been at the same shop since 1988.
  19. I make awesome bread. (More then 60 varieties)
  20. I work straight graveyard shifts.
  21. I got married for the first (and only) time in June 2004.
  22. We met in person 11/11/01.
  23. Her 17 yr old son lives with us.
  24. She proposed to me on her knee in a restaurant with my Dad’s wedding ring.
  25. My Dad died in 1994. So did my granny.
  26. I wish my Wife and Son had met my Granny and my Dad.
  27. The best people I have ever known are my Wife, Son and Granny. (Sorry Dad)
  28. All I know about love I’ve learned from them.
  29. I lost my virginity on a Mexican beach when I was 16.
  30. The only alter I kneel before is between my wife’s creamy white thighs.
  31. I have always been a very sexual person.
  32. I kept many of my desires secret until I met my wife.
  33. I told her before we got married that I am a cross-dresser.
  34. Her only request has been that the facial hair and body hair stays ON.
  35. We’re still having the best sex of my life.
  36. If schedules allowed we’d have sex twice a day. We average 5 or 6 times/week.
  37. We watch porn together.
  38. We go to see strippers together. (We’ve had private lap dances)
  39. I’m a sissy. Though what exactly that means is something we are still exploring.
  40. Every night I brush and braid her hair and also file and massage her feet. I keep her nails looking pretty and her pussy nicely trimmed. (just for starters.)
  41. In role-playing I’m usually submissive.
  42. She occasionally fucks me with a strap-on.
  43. I can wear the same harness to fuck her with 2 cocks.
  44. We’ve also used the harness to hold a butt plug in me for extended periods of time. I think the longest has been about 4 hours (we went to a hockey game)
  45. I wear women’s undies every day. We often wear each others.
  46. Except for 2 pair of silk boxers, she tossed out all my man undies.
  47. I have some clothes that could pass for male or female and I’ve gone out in these. The dresses and skirts are for at home only.
  48. I know it looks ridiculous.
  49. My toe nails are almost always painted.
  50. I have silicone breast forms and would love to have a nice wig.
  51. With kids still at home, my opportunities to get dressed are limited, but I doubt they’d be too surprised to find out. I’m guessing they’d prefer not to see dad dressed as a woman.
  52. We’ve fantasized about including other partners, but so far have never done it.
  53. She shaves my head bald every week.
  54. She’s given me golden showers.
  55. I go down on her during her period.
  56. I’ve come in her mouth, cunt and ass all in the same amazing day.
  57. We met on-line and still occasionally have phone and cyber sex.
  58. I introduced myself by emailing her some of my erotic stories.
  59. She thought I was weird. (Do you?)
  60. I like to write lots of things, but especially smut. 
  61. I’ve had several pieces published, both in print and on-line.
  62. Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten. (Or a puppy)
  63. I’ve struggled with depression most of my life.
  64. The past 5yrs have been the happiest of my life. (That’s an amazing statement considering my legal woes of the past 2 years.)
  65. I have chronic lower back troubles.
  66. I like giving massages more then I like getting them.
  67. I drive a 2002 Mini Cooper. (Black w/ white roof)
  68. I don’t handle stress very well. (Especially financial)
  69. I’m a procrastinator.
  70. I read lots of fiction.
  71. I mostly watch cartoons on TV. (And porn)
  72. I also watch the NHL and the CFL.
  73. I can be a difficult person to get to know.
  74. Tact and subtlety are difficult concepts for me to grasp.
  75. I offend many people. Usually without trying. (very hard)
  76. I had my first real job when I was 10. (I’ve never been unemployed)
  77. I don’t understand having pets.
  78. I owned my first business when I was 21.
  79. I filed for personal bankruptcy when I was 24.
  80. A second business I owned also ended badly.
  81. Neither was a bakery.
  82. I would love to earn a living writing fiction.
  83. I know that that is highly unlikely.
  84. I’m a very good backgammon player.
  85. I’m a reasonably good cribbage player.
  86. I don’t like winter or being cold.
  87. I have a letter from Mr. Dressup. (a Canadian version of Mr. Rogers)
  88. When I was 16, I got a speeding ticket on my bicycle.
  89. I don’t eat anything deep-fried.
  90. I don’t consider ‘fast food’ to be real food.
  91. I’m a pretty good cook. My wife is a very good cook. My dad & granny were both professional cooks.
  92. Coke not Pepsi. I’ll eat any fresh produce except carrots. I don’t like lemonade.
  93. I listen to mostly blues and jazz.
  94. I love being by the ocean.
  95. My wife says I’m sexy. (She’s a goddess)
  96. I’ve broken teeth and toes. (my own)
  97. I have a crooked smile. (botched orthodontics)
  98. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
  99.  Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity; it just doesn’t work.

Fucking for Jesus

Friday, November 14th, 2008

(the commercial is quick … so hang on)

Oh, and if you’re a Christian?  Maybe you should join this church. 

Which reminds me of a true story re. my phone sex adventures and a particular Christian.  I tell you all about it sometime this week.  OK?