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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Rhetorically Yours' Category

Gimp Goddess

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

In more ways than one.

First of all my wireless mouse needs batteries.  It’s the middle of the night, so that will obviously have to wait.

But what about this knee thing going on with me?  It started Thursday morning after jogging.  I didn’t feel it actually "happen"  — meaning I returned home from my run in hale condition, with not even a clue that my knee was about to give out.  But it did.  And the pain has been spreading down my calf and up the back of my thigh.  So it’s been an on again–off again working weekend.  I thought if I took it easy this weekend (gotta appreciate a perfect excuse to laze around and read), it would fix itself.  But here it is Saturday night/Sunday morning and I’m still limping around my place.

So I guess I will be calling my doctor tomorrow.

But, limp or no limp, pain or no pain, I still put a few sissies and slave boys in their place this weekend.  Never underestimate the power of a FemDom Phone Sex Goddess.  I also teased, taunted, cuckolded and castrated.  If you’re thinking you’d like to date me, you just might want to think twice.  If I’m this dangerous when lame, can you even imagine the naughtiness I get up to when all my pistons are firing?

Speaking of reading, my latest passion is Jodi Picoult.  I even have my sister-in-law reading her, and a very special guy (you know who you are) is picking up one of her novels to read. 

Oh, the fun of it all.

And here’s Miss Picoult’s WEBSITE.  Watch her video on her latest book, A Change of Heart, and you’ll see why I find her writing so compelling.

xo, Angela

He’s the Dick, He’s the Man

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Isaac Hayes

Who’s the black private dick
That’s a sex machine to all the chicks?
You’re damn right

Who is the man
That would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can ya dig it?

Who’s the cat that won’t cop out
When there’s danger all about
Right on

You see this cat Shaft is a bad mother–
(Shut your mouth)
But I’m talkin’ about Shaft
(Then we can dig it)

He’s a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman
(John Shaft)


Now wasn’t that fun?

‘Cuz I’m the cat kitten who digs the lyrics.  I won’t be around today (gambling.  with my mother.  being a good girl.  really.), so this will give you something to groove on. 

Can ya dig it?

xo, Angela

(thanks, PQS.  you can sing to me anytime)

Cam Girls and Stuff

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

First, the stuff:

Just so you know, I’m not ignoring you or this blog.  I’ve been swamped with callers every time I’ve signed on to kink-O-phone and have barely had time to do anything else.  I will be working most of today (Saturday) and will try to work some of tomorrow which is, of course, Mother’s Day.  I happen to have a mother of my own with whom I will most likely spend some time tomorrow; although that is still a jiggly plan, due to other family member’s still-up-in-the-air plans. 

Yesterday ended up being a day off, because I went to the manicurist, then lunch with a friend, and then purse shopping (ended up with a Dooney & Bourke; it’s simply fab, darling).  It was a busy day.  And my French nails look outrageously hot.  Sorry about that, but you know what Cyndi says:  Girls just want to have fun!  So you might say I was doing what came naturally.

I’m thinking about having a FETISH FRIDAY column, discussing the variety of fetishes that PSOs and callers explore–everything from the common (feet, panties, latex) to the unusual (have you heard of shit blisters?).  Would this interest you?  Do leave a comment or send an email (angela @ zensmut dot com). 

Then, Cam Girls:

As you know, I just don’t do cam.  Never ever, don’t wanna, so don’t ask.  I abhor it.  (But I do like brussel sprouts.)  Which doesn’t mean Cam Girls aren’t cool, because they are.  They just do things different than me.  So I’m recommending a few who I think are fucking super-duper hot.  Go ahead, set up a session.  I double dawg dare ya!

Honey Bush

Honey Bush is basically the girl next door you always wished you could fuck.  Although you’d have to live in Canada, because that’s where she lives.

I’ve heard from more than a few callers that Honey Bush not only has a sweet, friendly disposition, but that she has a body to die for.  Curvy in all the right places, with soft and lush REAL breasts, she is one of the more popular cam gals at night flirt.

Click hear for a sneaky peeky.

She also has a website (CLICK HERE) where you will find the above clip and some free pictures. 

If you decide to take the plunge, do tell Miss Honey Bush that Angela said hello.


Alabama Sweetie

Devon is an exquisitely beautiful woman.  She happens to be a brunette and I’m partial to brunettes, as I am one myself.  But the boys like her bunches, so I’m sure you will too.  She likes to dress up and play, so if you have a fetish or two you want to experience visually, you really should check her out.  She provides a Goddess Cam line for the submissively inclined (CLICK HERE) and if you have a thing for sexy feet, you simply must CLICK HERE.

If can’t do a live session, don’t fret it.  Because the lovely Devon has plenty of pictures and videos you can purchase and keep forever.  And ever.  And ever.

But, be forewarned:  This woman is perfectly put together.  If you start out with some pictures or a video or two, you are just going to have to contact her directly.  But I imagine you’ll be quite happy you did. 



Hot Wife Laura

I’ve been a fan of Laura’s for a long time.  At her well-designed and user-friendly website, HOT WIFE, Laura provides a lavish, generous tour in which she personally shows you around and gives you a preview of what to expect if you opt to call her for a one-on-one or even to join her site as a member. 

And believe me, membership does have it’s privileges.  Laura is the ultimate Hot Wife and, as a member of her regularly-updated site, you get an insider’s view into in all her horny, naughty, dirty escapades–including anal, facials, fucking machines.  You also have access to pictures of Hot Wifes around the world and bonus sites. This is first class all the way.

And if you want to get to know Laura first with a little cam session?  Well, honey, just CLICK HERE.  And I might note, that Laura has some beautiful bosoms, herself.  I’m starting to think my C cups just aren’t up to par, with these gals in the house!


Sunday, May 4th, 2008

I took an unplanned vacation, so if you’ve missed me, I’m terribly sorry and will make it up to you somehow, someway.  This is just to touch base and let you know I’m around again and will be taking calls regularly this week.  Well, at least as regularly as can be expected from me. 

Mostly I’ve been reading, reading, reading and taking it easy.  While I was doing all that reading, you were never, ever far from my thoughts.  I would come upon a well-turned phrase or humorous line and think:  I’d like to share that with my readers.  Where’s my ink pen or highlighter so I can notate it?  Oh damn, it’s in the other room.  Oh well.  Maybe next time.  And that’s how it went. 

But I do have this for you:


Which is on a character’s T-shirt in the Nebula Award-winning Novella, MAGIC FOR BEGINNERS, by Kelly Link.

From the book, NEBULA  AWARDS SHOWCASE 2007, edited by Mike Resnick.

Oh, I’ve been having such a grand time.

xo, Angela

p.s. looking for porn?  CHECK THIS OUT


Zombie Strippers

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkQCDfIe38&autoplay=0 300 375]