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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Savant Collection' Category

Knighted: Submissive Savant

Wednesday, October 4th, 2006

Let it be known across the Land of Virtual Kink that Richard, beloved of Alexandra and having acquitted himself well as both page and squire, came this day to kneel before the Queen of Kink (that would be moi–at least for these purposes…but don’t believe everything you read) to receive the accolade of Submissive Savant.

Richard joins Pervert Savant and Deviant Savant as part of my ever-growing Savant Collection. These exquisite and rare collectables look absolutely fab on the shelves of my curio cabinet, adding a certain pizazz to its otherwise ordinary veneer. This Queen delights in her Savants’ individual quirkiness, general outrage at all things mundane and above-average Kink Quotient.

In celebration of this most joyous of days, I’ve added Submissive Savant to the Virtual Savant Curio Cabinet.

Sir Richard ichard is my good friend, Alexandra’s beloved submissive, brilliant and clever observer/chronicler in the Land of Virtual Kink, my generous & indulgent advisor on all things techno-web and internet-iquette (because I haven’t got a clue).

Straight up, you can’t go wrong when befriending this lovely savant. While he is submissive, I opt to adore him…from afar, of course. Because otherwise he just couldn’t take it.

Oh, and Richard is a tireless and passionate bitchboy for anything BDSM/FemDom, as you will find at his other sites: BDSM Watch, FemDom Blogs, FemDom Dating, BDSM Weblogs, and FemDom Romance, FemDom WeBlogs.

Now let’s party!


I Was Told

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

That this was me:

William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.

And this Catholic School Girl Gone Bad turned FemDom PhoneSex Goddess…whispers a prayer, a thank you. Someone knows and that is enough. That is everything.

But earlier I was up to much mischief. A Savant from my collection (and who shall remain nameless tonight because I just think it’s best) stopped by to check out the action and noted: It…is..well, it’s like intruding upon a bevy of Artemis’ wood nymphs cavorting.
And in between all the myrth and merriment, I chatted with the wondrous Lyndee, kinda-sorta went to the gym, was sent to the principal’s office and even talked dirty now and then.


Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

He’s an Ass-Man. Who Knew?

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Pervert Savant and I exchanged a few emails earlier this evening. Always a pleasure, as he is just so adorably entertaining and quick-witted. Next thing I know he emails:

I have this notary’s seal stamp and a little stamp pad filled with black ink. I think it might be fun to spread you face down, over a nice walnut desk. You’d be nude, butt up, of course, with your silky hair splayed over your shoulders and your long legs hanging over the desk. In this position, I’d notarize your ass.

I’d do it properly. I would follow all of the formalities. I might even breathe on the ink-end of the stamp before I’d notarize you. To warm it. To get it ready for the imprinting. Then I’d do it. The notarization would read as follows:

State of Colorado )

) SS:

County of Arapahoe )

Before me, a Notary Public, in and for this County and State came Pervert Q. Savant, who being duly sworn, acknowledged the aforesaid this ___ day of September, 2006.

My County of Residence Is: ___________

My Commission Expires: _____________


Notary Public


Printed Name of Notary

Then I would carefully affix my inky Notary’s Seal to your round, mound-y little ass. I’d do it relishing the slopes and contours of the upper part of your butt, watching them emerge from the small of your back.

And I’d attest to everything! Right there, in nice squid black ink. I would attest that I like you, and your ass, and your crazy imagination. Then I would formalize it.

And there’d be my name. Right there. On your pale white concave ass. For as long as the ink lasted.

And I’d use indelible ink.


Then, a bit later:

I’ve decided your ass is “convex” rather than “concave”.

Scientific rigor is important in these things.

Otherwise, I would notarize you in the same manner as before.

P. Q. Savant

Cute little bugger, isn’t he?

Nita Knows: The Truth About Men

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

…those bad, bad, bad little boys!

I added this quote to Zen Quotes, because I love it:

Be nice to a man and he’s as good as gone. Cater to him, run after him, spill a few tears over him at the breakfast table, call him “Dearie” and you’ll have him falling into the arms of the first vamp who throws him a red rose and a cruel word now and then, when she thinks of it. –Nita Naldi

You can read more about this fem fatale here. Simply fascinating stuff.


  • Did you know I have a Yahoo 360 Page? Give me a holler.
  • I am really liking this Slip of a Girl more and more. If you like lingerie you really should be reading her blog daily. She’s deleriously industrious–posting two, three, even four times a day. Lotsa fun! In fact, I’m adding her to my links.
  • Which, by the way, is where I found The History of Stockings.
  • Been slacking on the calls, but everyday BS (as it has a tendency to do) and a female-thing (now abating) kinda-sorta took me a bit off track. Plus someone hurt my feelings..the dirty rat bastid! Where’s a slave when you need your wounds licked? Look for me tonight….I will try to be there. And I did say try.
  • I read the most beautiful poem last week.
  • From the “I Should Have Been Born Blonde” true tales of Angela St. Lawrence: I recently bet a caller $5.00 in regards to something or other. Well, I won. So I tell him, You are gonna pay up, too: I will make you call me @ one cent/minute and talk for fifty minutes. I couldn’t understand why he was laughing so hard. Hmmmm….
  • I am crowning a new “savant” today: Supervert as “Deviant Savant;” so now I have two. You will find them under Zen-semble by the end of the day.
  • Make that three savants. I just collected another one. Because I’ve just crowned Richard, to be know as “Submissive Savant.” Hey, do you even know how to spell the word concatenation…let alone use it in a sentence? I sure don’t.
  • Three pieces of mine have been published at Tit-Elation, which I happen to think is tits and champagne when it comes to written erotica. So I’m a happy girl.
  • And I was told by someone very special that I should let you know right up front: Women are naturally superior to men. So there.

Rock On, SuperVert

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

On May 1 the enigmatic SuperVert announced that his website, PervScan was celebrating its third year on the web, and as such Mr. Vert (my special name for him) was going to take a month-long haitus, during which he would ponder the fate of said website–whether to close up shop or continue feeding the animals (which can be very taxing at times, because web pets do not take well to domestication).

If you don’t know it by now, you should…I adore Mr. Vert. We’ve exchanged a few emails (not to mention links) and he is just about the most fascinating –if not THE most fascinating– presense on the Internet today. So it began: I and the quivering minions waited out the long month of May biting our fingernails, eating ice cream and potato chips, pacing the floor, channel surfing for info ads, indulging in an over-abundance of greasy spoon sex and anything else that reeked of spineless addictive behavior. What would we do without our PervScan. What would I do without my Mr. Vert?

Well, toss out the spray paint and paper bags, because, Mr. Vert is back in the saddle again! Can I hear an Amen, Sister and Brother?

And not only is he back, he’s back with a vengence, adding PervScan.tv to his online empire of creative endeavors. Now we can indulge our nasty little voyeuristic predilicitions even more. Because it’s so much fun when the other guy gets caught isn’t it?

If you visit Mr. Vert–and you better ’cause I said so–check out the links to his other websites. Reality Studio is without a without doubt the most complete and up-to-date collection of information on William S. Burroughs that one can find anywhere. Fleurs Du Mal is dedicated to Charles Baudelaire, in particular his piece de resistance, Les Fleurs Du Mal and contains “every poem of each edition of Les Fleurs du mal, together with multiple English translations.”

One more thing, straight from my heart: You really should purchase both of Mr. Vert’s books, Necrophilia Variations and Extraterrestial Sex Fetish. I have them both. In fact, I will be reviewing both and interviewing Mr. Vert sometime soon. But what is so special about these books (besides the writing…wait for the reviews) is the books, themselves. They are so beautiful, so fucking sexy just to look at, you will want to fuck them…I kid you not!

So get busy: Visit, peruse, get smarter, get dirtier. Get your fix the SuperVert way. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. At the very least you will have a lot of fun. But I’m betting you just might learn something, too.