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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'WebTopia' Category


Friday, October 13th, 2006

Happy Friday the Thirteenth.

  1. Financial Goddess worth giving it up for: Exclusively Devon
  2. Scarlett Teese: That would be Johansson and Dita Von (yum yum).
  3. My newest pairs of heels: Are these sexy or what? and Would you kneel?
  4. Laura Baumach: Sensually Wicked Man Love
  5. Phone Sex with Miss Swan (very funny)
  6. Maria’s online diary: Cuckolding Martin (very hot, sexy, explicit)
  7. Cross-Dressing: From the inside out (honestly thoughtful)
  8. Barely Legal PhoneSex Sweetheart (prepare to be amazed)
  9. So you want to write erotica? (excellent resource, frequently updated)
  10. Dominatrix, Heineken style. Actually, pretty much on the money.
  11. A Woman of Conviction. Someone to admire, champion and support.
  12. A most interesting artist who’s recently caught my attention.
  13. OMG! Look what Mistress Sky’s been up to. I adore this woman!

More fun with the Friday the Thirteenth:

And one more thing:

First 5 callers: 1.13 per minute. Oops! Sale all gone. Sorry. (Thanks, guys!)


Oh Cum All Ye Faithful

Thursday, October 12th, 2006

My main gig is phonesex, phone sex fantasy — pure and simple.

Fantasy being the key word, but I’ll get back to that thought in a minute. Hang tough and I promise to make this short and sweet as I have things to do today and am on the move.

Because what I find curious is that….

Some (not all–don’t get jiggly on me) girls who do “FemDom” or “Spoiled Brat” or “Princess” or “Mistress” (don’t fool yourself–same crayon box, different crayons) calls are quite adamant that they don’t do phone sex, insisting that they are much superior to phonesex gals.

Of course these same self-professed dominatrices oft buy into their own mythology (ie. showing up at chat rooms, blogs and message boards to instruct, badger, and chastise the lowly and un-deified minions and/or collecting deadbeat boyfriends who suddenly evolve into houseboys/slaves). Which, come to think of it, is a pretty good reason to best be moving beyond this particular bit of blather. Don’t you think? Can’t really argue with a Demi-Goddess. Now, can we?

Back to the main thought here:

Anyway, the bottom line –no matter how you want to dress it up– is we fulfill the caller’s fantasy–not our’s, but the callers. Got that? In other words, we are the myth of perfection, not the reality. And, no matter which way you slice it, perfection within the realm of a fantasy call is defined by the caller, not the callee. The liaison between the phone sex caller and phone sex provider is a slippery one at best. He is looking –at least momentarily under the vise-like grip of his most lizardly self– for a fantasy come true, the perfect partner in slime. It our job to provide that experience in triple-decker, double-digits deviance of the highest caliber.

Furthermore, to be successful in this business of smoke and mirrors, requires a suspension of disbelief for both the caller and callee. Because we just ain’t getting him “there” unless we jump on the magic carpet with him. Yet, at the same time, we must maintain very clear professional boundaries….both for the caller and for us. The better we are –the more we care about what we do and who we do– the harder this becomes. But it is nonetheless an imperative of great import. Don’t kid yourself…souls lie in the balance here, karma is waiting right around the corner to kick our asses.

Personally, I block obsessive callers (312 at last count–but this number also includes the rude and the stupid), refusing to be a part of their downward spiral. I am diligent in reminding my callers that fantasy and reality are two different animals. That they must not be blinded by my neon-lit manger. That if I turned up the halogens things would look quite different.

I always remind them that in my everyday doings I am probably not much sexier than their wife/girlfriend/significant other….that just like her, I probably would not want to wear fetish leathers or tie them up or take their rectal temperature or kick them in the balls or force them to suck cock.

Because someday I won’t be young and beautiful and clever and full of myself and sharp and brilliant and adorable and adventurous and uncontainable (mythically speaking, of course).

And the telephone will only yield a busy signal.

And if you are wondering where all this came from…it all started here:

Are Sex Services Bad?

Damn you, Gracie!

Knighted: Submissive Savant

Wednesday, October 4th, 2006

Let it be known across the Land of Virtual Kink that Richard, beloved of Alexandra and having acquitted himself well as both page and squire, came this day to kneel before the Queen of Kink (that would be moi–at least for these purposes…but don’t believe everything you read) to receive the accolade of Submissive Savant.

Richard joins Pervert Savant and Deviant Savant as part of my ever-growing Savant Collection. These exquisite and rare collectables look absolutely fab on the shelves of my curio cabinet, adding a certain pizazz to its otherwise ordinary veneer. This Queen delights in her Savants’ individual quirkiness, general outrage at all things mundane and above-average Kink Quotient.

In celebration of this most joyous of days, I’ve added Submissive Savant to the Virtual Savant Curio Cabinet.

Sir Richard ichard is my good friend, Alexandra’s beloved submissive, brilliant and clever observer/chronicler in the Land of Virtual Kink, my generous & indulgent advisor on all things techno-web and internet-iquette (because I haven’t got a clue).

Straight up, you can’t go wrong when befriending this lovely savant. While he is submissive, I opt to adore him…from afar, of course. Because otherwise he just couldn’t take it.

Oh, and Richard is a tireless and passionate bitchboy for anything BDSM/FemDom, as you will find at his other sites: BDSM Watch, FemDom Blogs, FemDom Dating, BDSM Weblogs, and FemDom Romance, FemDom WeBlogs.

Now let’s party!


Nita Knows: The Truth About Men

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

…those bad, bad, bad little boys!

I added this quote to Zen Quotes, because I love it:

Be nice to a man and he’s as good as gone. Cater to him, run after him, spill a few tears over him at the breakfast table, call him “Dearie” and you’ll have him falling into the arms of the first vamp who throws him a red rose and a cruel word now and then, when she thinks of it. –Nita Naldi

You can read more about this fem fatale here. Simply fascinating stuff.


  • Did you know I have a Yahoo 360 Page? Give me a holler.
  • I am really liking this Slip of a Girl more and more. If you like lingerie you really should be reading her blog daily. She’s deleriously industrious–posting two, three, even four times a day. Lotsa fun! In fact, I’m adding her to my links.
  • Which, by the way, is where I found The History of Stockings.
  • Been slacking on the calls, but everyday BS (as it has a tendency to do) and a female-thing (now abating) kinda-sorta took me a bit off track. Plus someone hurt my feelings..the dirty rat bastid! Where’s a slave when you need your wounds licked? Look for me tonight….I will try to be there. And I did say try.
  • I read the most beautiful poem last week.
  • From the “I Should Have Been Born Blonde” true tales of Angela St. Lawrence: I recently bet a caller $5.00 in regards to something or other. Well, I won. So I tell him, You are gonna pay up, too: I will make you call me @ one cent/minute and talk for fifty minutes. I couldn’t understand why he was laughing so hard. Hmmmm….
  • I am crowning a new “savant” today: Supervert as “Deviant Savant;” so now I have two. You will find them under Zen-semble by the end of the day.
  • Make that three savants. I just collected another one. Because I’ve just crowned Richard, to be know as “Submissive Savant.” Hey, do you even know how to spell the word concatenation…let alone use it in a sentence? I sure don’t.
  • Three pieces of mine have been published at Tit-Elation, which I happen to think is tits and champagne when it comes to written erotica. So I’m a happy girl.
  • And I was told by someone very special that I should let you know right up front: Women are naturally superior to men. So there.

Beautiful Submissive

Sunday, September 17th, 2006


Well, we know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And we know that I prefer to dominate rather than be dominated.   At least most of the time.


(and there always is a but, else what would be the point of it all)

When he-who-dominates does so with such reverence, such respect, such beauty….well, see for yourself what I mean.