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meanwhile, over at tumblr



5 Responses to “meanwhile, over at tumblr”

  1. Mr. Smith Says:

    I’ve noticed a lot of naughty things are getting passed their robot police. I guess they’re trying their best.

    But this? Pure gold.

  2. Puppet Prince Says:

    Just compare the drab tumblr tittle blogs with http://www.femtopia.net

    I had hoped a little bit of TOS discipline would make the blogs more erotic by removing the cheap and easy anatomical scandalism and making room for evocative erotic imagery.

    Well, maybe yet, but if everyone ignores slightly limiting TOS, the result will be more rigorous TOS or banning or even disruption and closure.

  3. Joel311 Says:

    Is the finger meant for Tumblr or the bloggers?

    My finger would be for the bloggers.

    Sure, defy your provider.

    You have standards for your own customers but you chafe as a customer?

    My sympathies are limited.

  4. Incognito Thomas Says:

    Ahh the black hole! Two thoughts . There is no better site on Tumblr than femtopia and looking at porn is only allowed with permission. So for me doesn’t affect me much.

    Just leave femtopia alone and I will be one very happy boy.

  5. science nerd Says:

    This clip could have so many application in our current political atmosphere. After all who needs 280 characters to express such an obvious opinion.

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