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Four United States Presidents got caught up in a tornado and were whirled off to the land of OZ.
They finally made it to the Emerald City and went to find the Great Wizard .
"What brings the 4 of you before the great Wizard of Oz," boomed the Great Wizard.
Jimmy Carter stepped forward timidly and said: "I’ve come for some courage."
"No Problem! said the Wizard . Who’s next?"
Richard Nixon stepped forward, "Well, I think I need a heart."
"Done," says the Wizard, "who comes next before the Great and Powerful Oz?"
Up stepped George Bush and said, "I’m told by the American people that I need a brain."
"No problem," said the Wizard, "consider it done!"
And then …
…and then there is a great silence in the hall.
Bill Clinton was just standing there, looking around. But not saying a word.
Irritated, the Wizard finally asks, "Well, what do you want?"
President Clinton dipped his head, looking shyly up at the Great Wizard. And then he finally spoke.
"Er, ummm, well … Is Dorothy here?
Thanks so much to my dear Booklover for sending the above. He’s a caller, a steadfast blog fan and a good buddy. And despite he being right and me being left, we somehow always meet deliciously and very in the middle.
So I’ve been very ill and with a steadfast, determined little bug of an infection that went from one ear to another ear and then to both ears — and even went with me to visit two doctors, neither of whom got it right and only time seemed to heal this wound. But I do believe that healed it finally is and I am finally back in the swing of things, so don’t be a stranger, but please do be strange.
A lot has happened while I was down for the count and I will try to catch us up with it all in the next few days, so please stay tuned.
xo, Angela
Well, I’d love to click my heels together and see what Ms. St. Lawrence’s Oz would be.
… and there’s surely no place like …
Thanks for the laugh, Booklover.
And of course, thanks to you, dearest Angela. Welcome back. You were missed.
That was very funny. Glad you’re feeling better. You were, indeed, missed.
Political jokes are always a matter of taste. The notion of Clinton jokingly hitting on Dorothy strikes me, as a loyal Dem, as not funny at all! On the other hand, the notion of GWB tripping down the yellow brick road with a bunch of Munchkins in tow in a long but futile quest to obtain a brain from the great Oz — well, for some reason, that elicits from me peals of laughter.
Thanks for the grins Booklover and I’m glad to see you’re OK, Angie. By the way, in describing your symptoms above, it struck me that the root of your problem might be an earwig. If your doctors continue to fail you, try an entomologist.
I do NOT have an earwig! That is just plain gross.
I’m honored – and glad I could share a non-partisan smile or two. Almost as glad as I am that you are feeling better, Angie. Welcome back.